A commitment to innovation and public service

I’m an Egyptian father, husband, citizen, entrepreneur, politician, IMD MBA, and pharmacist.

A passion for making the world a better place for the coming generations

I contribute articles on LinkedIn and Daily News Egypt. You can find all of my writings here.

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My writings page

I contribute articles on LinkedIn and Daily News Egypt. You can find all of my writings here.

Giza chamber of commerce

As a board member of the Giza Chamber of Commerce and an entrepreneur, I extend an invitation for you to explore this portal. Here, you will find the most recent news and updates concerning our chamber and the dynamic business landscape in Egypt.

Egyptian pharmacists

I come from a family with a strong background in pharmacy, as both of my parents and my uncle are pharmacists. I am a pharmacist myself, and through this portal, you can stay informed about the latest news and updates related to the Egyptian pharmacy and drugs community.

” I was the Dean of IMD’s Executive MBA program which Ashraf completed in June 2018. Ashraf is truly a world-class entrepreneur and highly recommended for leadership and management positions”

Stefan Michel

Professor of Management at IMD, Ph.D.

Stefan Michel

Professor of Management at IMD, Ph.D.

” I was the Dean of IMD’s Executive MBA program which Ashraf completed in June 2018. Ashraf is truly a world-class entrepreneur and highly recommended for leadership and management positions”

"Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work."

– Vince Lombardi

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